Best anchor styles for club boats and water

Jul 10 2018

Brian Akers


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Best anchor styles for club boats and water

I have gone through these forums and used the search feature to find a discussion on boat anchors. I have used the standard navy style, mushroom, and gavel. All of these work well except when the wind really picks up. I over paid for a small box anchor that will literally stop any boat in gale force winds, however, it's very heavy to use in the smaller boats. 

If the day requires changing boat positions frequently it takes a toll. I just wanted to see if any other members have found success with heavy winds,.My best option found so far is to bank fish.

Jul 10 2018

David May

Slot Fish

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I use two 10# mushrooms and it works well for me.

I fish alone most of the time and tend to work upwind, drop a port and starboard anchor if needed and, when time to move, simply weigh each about 2-4 feet depending on the bottom depth and vegetation. If there is more than light and variable wind, I can often "drift" to the next spot without any motor noise and no battery usage. I try not to have to weigh all the way into the boat as I dislike "long lining" for the anchor!

Jul 10 2018

Robert Lundin


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I have a 10 pound mushroom anchor and the best anchorman Jason.  See you need to find a younger  person who likes to fish.  You have them operate the trolling motor and let them play with the anchor.  I had a 3 pound collapsible anchor but just wouldn't hold in high winds.  Jason has the knack of getting the boat in the right position for optimum presentation of our top water frogs. Oh that is the only drawback which doesn't bother me. He throws the frog and I throw a frog few times then switch to a fluke in the deeper water.  I have had a few anchor interns years ago.  Most of them failed miserably by not wanting to spend a full day fishing.  Jason went with me to Clifton on his first trip and I think from Frisco it was a 20 hour day.  The next day he inquired about fishing again. Bingo, young, smart and loves to fish what could an old man ask. Oh, and he loves to drive. You ask what do I do, whatever Jason wants to do. He's the driver, helps launch the boat, operates the boat and anchor. I provide the food and drinks and some of my best lies.

Jul 11 2018

Tom Dillon


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Like Dave May, I have 2 10-pound mushrroom anchors, and put either 1 or 2 into my 8-foot pond boat, depending on the wind forecast. For most PWF waters, one of them with 25 feet of anchor line (no chain) holds just fine. If it drags, I simply let out more line, and if it still drags, I usually go get the second anchor from my tow vehicle. Even fishing a weedy pond/lake, the mushroom is a lot easier to raise than a traditional anchor, especially if has drain holes. Unless the wind is really screaming, though, I frequently just drift. I don’t care for “sea anchors,” so I don’t use them like I used to in my Hydrasport or my Terrys. I also have a brush/timber anchor/clamp on each side of my little boat - they work well when I can use them, especially on lakes like those at Cody Ranch.

Jul 13 2018

William Fetech


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Have you tried a drift sock?  It may not keep you locked in place, but it is easier to use. 


Dec 20 2018

Chad Bisbee


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“Stick it” anchor or similar...  add a length of bungee cord between its lanyard and the boat cleat, and you’d be surprised the wind it can hold in.