Fly Fishing for Bluegill and Crappie

Jul 02 2015

James Mathis


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Fly Fishing for Bluegill and Crappie

Hello All!

For any of you that fly fish -- what size and length leaders and tippets do you use for panfish fishing?  I just bought a 5 wt fly rod and mid-arbor reel, and hope to use it on several of the club lakes where there are nice bream.  What types of flies seem to work best?




Jim Mathis

Jul 02 2015

Robert Lundin


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Starting out I would use a 7 1/2 foot leader as it is easier to cast.  It should be tapered.   If you think you might hook up a Bass I would go with a 3X or 4X.  If only Bluegills in the lake you could use a 7X.  

I've had good luck on Six O, Jer Mar, Martin Mill, Julian and Deer Trail.  The size of the fly sometimes an 8 Wooly Bugger in olive or black, Royal coachman in size 12,  any hopper or Chernobyl ant  with a dropper beaded nymph (12).  The hopper or Chernobyl act as an indicator for strike on the nymph.  I'll tie about a 1 1/2 to 3 feet of Tippett for the nymph.  I use a NZ setup as you tie the Tippett to the bow of the hopper or Ant hook. You can find youtubes showing you how to do this.  Sometimes they strike the hopper.

If you need some practice head out to Athens Freshwater fisheries center. They have a pond loaded with bluegills that are easy to catch plus the pond is pretty open for the back cast.  When first starting put yourself perpendicular to the water so you can watch your back cast.  Let it completely straighten out.   Speed and force are not needed in fly casting. It's more motion and rhythm.  If you hear your leader cracking like a whip you going to fast and not letting the rod fully unload.  You are casting line and not the fly. The fly is just along for the ride.  I prefer a weight forward floating line which is identified by WF-5.   I hope this helps.  Bob




Jul 02 2015

James Mathis


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Thanks for the input.  The guy at Cabelas suggested a 5X tapered leader and I have a 6X tippet, and floating fly line.  I've bought a number of different flies from a vendor on eBay, including floating ants, woolly buggers, hoppers, etc, and will be trying it at 9 G Ranch tomorrow (after catching some bass).  I'm salivating over the huge gills at Six O, and there were plenty of big ones bedding at Malouf when I was there last week but I didn't have me rig ready.

Thanks again for your help!



Jul 02 2015

Robert Lundin


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I buy my flies from or google half buck fly shop.  both have lots of choices and great prices.  get some bead head nymphs with a little shiny tinsel in the body. Bluegills can't resist. or find a fly called lightening bug works great.  I use to tie my own flies but too busy to sit down for an evening.  Have fun.

also google fish N save  they have some great choices and prices.

Jul 04 2015

Joe V. Smith


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I use mostly 3X tippet and sometimes go down to 4X.Anything less and I break off too frequently.You can not keep those bass from hitting your fly or popping bug.

The east lake at Twin Lakes has huge bream and crappie but you must hit it before the grass takes over.March,April and early May.

The west lake can be good for crappie and medium size bream.

I have never had good luck at Timber Lake

Jul 07 2015

James Mathis


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Thanks again for your help, Robert and Joe!

