Just a Word to the Wise.....Check Everything Before Trailering

Nov 07 2018

Tom Dillon


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Just a Word to the Wise.....Check Everything Before Trailering

I guess that, after a (long) while, we tend to become complacent. I learned first-hand yesterday the value of safety chains on a trailer. When I loaded up yesterday morning to drive to Waterboo, I thought I had the hitch firmly seated on the hitch ball. I then put the clamp down and locked my hitch lock. What I didn't do was lift the tongue to verify that it was locked in place. I hit several bumps between my house and I35, and thought all was well. I didn't want to get to the lake before dawn, so I was driving 60 mph instead of the 70 mph limit. In spite of what I thought, all wasn't well.. Just before getting to the new bridge over Lake Lewisville, I hit a pretty severe bump in the pavement. A split-second later, I heard a LOUD thump. I knew something had happened, but not exactly what. There was very little traffic, so I started slowing down and took the next off-ramp. Once I stopped, I realized exactly what I had done. Duh. I was very, very lucky. There was no damage to the trailer or boat - I just lost part of the handle to my trailer dolly. It's still useable, but the 'roller' thingee is gone. No big deal. I hate to think what would have happened if I had not been using safety chains. At my age, my 'remembery' isn't what it used to be, and I will check and double-check everything from now on before moving my boat. It could have ben SO much worse.


Nov 08 2018

Larry Maupin


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That's a good reminder, Tom. Glad your story ended well.

When I refurbished my old trailer a few years back, I welded safety chains to it. After many years of towing landscape trailers and boat trailers, I'm constantly concerned over the load I'm hauling. Safety chains give me a bit more confidence that my load is safe for me and the other motorists on the road.

Nov 08 2018

Craig Awtrey


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I might add it really helps to have a checklist in writing that you cross off so you know what has been done and needs to be done. It only took me once to forget some crucial fishing gear to adhere to the checklist method of preparation. I imagine we can all benefit from such a list, especially a safety checklist.


Nov 11 2018

Tom Dillon


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Very true, Craig. Excellent suggestion.

Nov 17 2018

William Fetech


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The other day I forgot to put the cotter pin in after I locked the trailer ball. I did have the safety chains in place. 


Nov 17 2018

William Fetech


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The other day I forgot to put the cotter pin in after I locked the trailer ball. I did have the safety chains in place. 


Mar 19 2019

William Butler


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I do this exact thing.  I have it on my phone and check it off every time.  I learned this lesson the hard way.  I forgot to unbuckle the rear straps on my Ranger.  The boat came off sideways, I couldn't rope it to get it back on the trailer and got to wade into 48 degree water to my neck to unhitch it.  I wish I had a video, I'd be a YouTube legend.