Ben Wheeler Twin Lakes 5/20

May 22 2023

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Sarted off on West lake at 8:00 after “cold’ front moved thru Friday.  Morning started off in low 60’s and cloudy with light winds. Water temp was 80. Caught 6 mostly on weighless black stickbait. There is grass about 2 ft under the surface out to 20 ft from shore. Largest was 4 1/3 by the dam. Was about to put away my popping frog but made one more cast. Fish came all the way out of the water, missed the frog and came back for it – a nice 3 lber was boated. Kept popping frog on and got hits but others didn’t commit like this one did.  Left West lake around noon, ate lunch and put in on East lake. Fished till 4:00 catching another handfull. Both lakes look to be full pool, there is a lot of flooded bushes especially on West lake. Great day to be on the water.