Acker Lake 9/19

Sep 21 2023

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 37300
Property Name : Acker Lake
Reservation Date : 09/19/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 35, 27 returned and 8 culls
Lures Used : Tx Rigged Worm

Fishing buddy and I fished Acker Lake from first light to 2. We’ll we fished between pop up storms. Four different storms from three different directions popped up during the AM and drove us off the water for 30 minutes or so. Weather forecast didn’t show the storms coming in until late afternoon. I think all the storm activity really shut down the lake, however we did manage a 4 lber. We stayed overnight in the lodge to get a jump on top water but only caught one on the surface. We decided to try the small lake by the lodge. Too low to launch so we bank fished from 2 to 4. We caught 20 fish with largest being 7.3 which was caught by my friend, he always catches the largest fish whenever we go fishing but I catch the most. Good to see Steve, he came by when we pulled in. All in all a great trip to a great place. 

Sep 27 2023

Steve Scanlon


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Chris – 

Great day!  We are hitting Acker this weekend.  Was curious about the grass cover and the lake level of Acker.  Was it down a bit?  Did most of your fish come from 4-6 feet of water near the tree lines?

Thanks – 

Steve Scanlon

Sep 27 2023

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Steve Scanlon

Chris – 

Great day!  We are hitting Acker this weekend.  Was curious about the grass cover and the lake level of Acker.  Was it down a bit?  Did most of your fish come from 4-6 feet of water near the tree lines?

Thanks – 

Steve Scanlon

Yes, most caught near tree lines, don’t remember average depth.  Lake level down a couple of feet or more. Good luck, hope you have better wether than we did.