DD at Six-O!

Feb 29 2024

Travis Holland


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Reservation Number : 38769
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 02/29/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 2 bass up to 10.29
Lures Used : A Rig

My son and I made a quick trip down the road to Six-O. We fished from 9 til about 2. Bite was tough but I was able to get my first DD bass! 
I swam my A-Rig right over her head about 50’ from the boat. She bit, I set the hook and missed her! I threw back to her and this time she hammered it. My boy got the net ready and scooped her up. We had some serious yells that were probably heard up at the ranch house! (Sorry) I caught just one other bass that was around 3.5 lbs. Aside from all the bluegill my son caught at the dock, that was it. 

Lake is full and a little off color for 6-O. Viz is probably 1-1.5’. Water temp was 55.

Feb 29 2024

Steve Carpenter


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Great fish. Congratulations.🤩

Mar 01 2024

John Freeman

Slot Fish

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Nice Tankus Maximus!

Mar 01 2024

Ryan Sipe


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Congrats Travis, that’s a beauty!  You’re having a heck of a few weeks with a 9 at Hat & Star and then a DD.  6-0 is an interesting property.  Some days you’re just wading thru dinks.  Some days you can’t buy a bite.  And others, the big girls come out in droves where you’ll catch multiple 3-5lbers with a chance at a bigun.  Fun lake though with timber, channels, humps, depth and everything in between.

Mar 01 2024

Stephen Hardison


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Great fish.