The Weather Was Crappie

Mar 13 2017

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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Member John Bedore and I fished Waco Creek Ranch this past weekend (1 1/2 days).  The weather could not have been more different on the two days.  Saturday we were in shorts and short sleeves with almost no wind and Sunday morning was cold, misty and windy. We fished mostly chase baits Saturday morning and started catching a mix of bass and crappie.  We were fishing mostly natural colored baits (the water is VERY clear) and were catching bass mostly in the 2 to 3 1/2 pound range and very large crappie up to 2 pounds.   The action was steady and we didn't have any big breaks without action.  By the afternoon we had caught two 5 1/2 pound bass a bunch of 3 1/2 to 4 pound bass but nothing huge.  Meanwhile the crappie just kept biting so we finally decided to start targeting the crappie for a while.  We fished for an hour and filled our ice chest with very large crappie.  We switched to topwater and caught more bass in the evening.  The sunset was surreal that evening and it signaled a big change in the weather.

We talked to the landowner and his family   Nice folks!

We awoke on Sunday morning with the expected wind shift and temperatures in the low forties,  We slept in and didn't begin fishing till almost 9 o clock.  The water temperature was fairly constant at about 65 for the whole trip so we stayed with topwater lures for the first couple of hours and caught quite a few aggressive fish.  Finally we started searching out the Sac-a-lait, or crappie as some call them, and again filled an ice chest in short order.  These were some of the largest crappie that I have ever encountered with 1 1/2 pounds being the average. 

It was a great trip with lots of good memories and lots of bass and crappie.

Posted By: Bruce Bernard