Dogwood East is Red Hot

Jul 09 2017

Steve Alexander


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My goal is to fish at least 21 days this year and I am on track. I completed my 12th day of fishing earlier this week at Henderson Dogwood East Lake. I had my cousin in from Chicago and my nephew who has fished with me at more than 50%  of the club lakes over the past 5 years. Our first fish of the day was the largest a 8.46 lb toad caught by my cousin on a XD-6 in about 15 foot of water. We caught another 5 or 6 when I stuck a true giant on a red-shad Culprit Texas rigged worm in about 12 foot of water. She came all the way out of the water and it was the biggest fish I had on my line in a few years. But, it was not to be as she broke by 2 month old 20 lb Invisiz flourocarbon. I sat in silence for at least 15 minutes. I was mentally whipped, 10lb+ fish don't bite often and when you stick one you better land her. 3 or 4 fish later my nephew sticks a 7.51 solid fish. 2 fish later I redeem myself (sort of) with a 8.45 toad caught on a black and Blue 7.5" ribbon tail worm in about 5 foot of water. We caught 2 more 5's, one 4, and two 3's, the rest were dinks to 1.5 lbs. We finished with 21 fish and left about 11:30 AM.

What a great fishery. The big girls are biting at Dogwood East.

As a reminder, it is hot and it is stressful for fish to be caught. Make sure you hold the fish out of the water for no more than 1 minute. If she swallows the hook, cut the line quickly, get a quick picture after you have wet both of your hands first (don't want to remove the slime coat) and get her in the water.


Posted By: Steve Alexander

Jul 09 2017

William Fetech


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Steve. What a fish(y) story!! Glad to see you are able to enjoy your own business.   

I need to sit down and plan a multi-day/location trip to that area. Is the fall or spring better?


Jul 10 2017

Mark Daugherty


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Steve - thank you for the reminder on the careful handling of the fish in this super hot weather!  I'm sure it is extra stressful on them.