Escondido weedy

Jul 06 2019

William Fetech


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Reservation Number : 21729
Property Name : Lago Escondido
Reservation Date : 07/05/2019 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 7/ 2-3 lbs
Lures Used : frog; shallow square-bill crank

Fished Escondido Friday morning with Andy Jackson and his son Jackson. Except for the bank around the dam, there is a very thick weed mat that extends 20-30 ft everywhere else. 

I caught 2 fishing the standing timbers in the middle of the property with a swallow running crank. I did miss two early along the dam on a frog. 

I tried multiple other lures (hard and soft; weighted and unweighted), but no other bites. 

My two fish were 2 and 3 pounds. 

Andy and Jackson has their hits on frogs. Andy had 2 and Jackson 3. They probably had over 5 misses on the frog. 
