Slow start but the last hour salvaged the day

Nov 09 2019

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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I fished Rock Chimney on the afternoon of the 6th.  The lake remains about 3 feet low as it has for most of the summer (not much rain in the area) but the water looked good and the wind wasn't too bad.  I started out walking the bank but couldn't get a hit at any of my favorite spots.  I caught my first one after 90 minutes, my second a hour later (getting a little frustrated by now), and then 3 on three casts.  At 4:15 I remained stuck on 5 when a 3.8# bass grabbed the Rat-L-trap just before I lifted it out of the water.  Those short-line fights can be exciting and wet!  The bite had finally turned on and I ended up catching another 7 in the next hour in the same spots and using the same  Rat-L-Trap that hadn't worked previously.  I ended up with 13 bass (2 were dinks) ranging from 2.3# to 3.8#.  All were fat and energetic and caught on the same lure.  I couldn't coax a single bite using any other lure.

It was a very pleasant afternoon of solitude shared with the cattle and the ducks.  An egret, a dozen teal, and a pair of mallards shared the lake with me.  Reel solitude!
