Bluebonnet Ridge 1/26/20

Jan 28 2020

Greg Zimmerman


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Reservation Number : 22860
Property Name : Bluebonnet Ridge
Reservation Date : 01/26/2020 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 15 LMB up to 5.84
Lures Used : chatter bait & fat ika

I fished Bluebonnet Ridge on 01/26/20, from about 10am - 4:30.  I caught 15 LMB, with top 5 right at 20 lbs, with the biggest being a 5.84 lb, prespawn fatty, and the other four at 3.8, 3.62, 3.5 and 3.42.  Two were dinks and would have been culled if this were a culling lake, the rest between 2-3 lbs.  I caught 3 of 15 shallow and close to shore, with the other 12 in 7-9 feet in the main creek channel and in 9-12 feet in the various holes that are scattered throughout this lake.  


Jan 28 2020

Stephen Johnston


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Were you using the fat ika on the back of the chatterbait?

Jan 28 2020

Greg Zimmerman


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No, I was using a 4.3 fat swing impact Keitech as the chatterbait trailor, but using a fat ika is an interesting idea.  I was throwing the fat ika weightless on a 3/0 EWG hook, letting it fall in the deep holes and dragging it out.  I think my fish count was 11 on the chatterbait and 4 on the fat ika.  The 5.84 was caught on the chatterbait.