Water Boo Fun

Mar 27 2020

Kirk Housewright


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Reservation Number : 23471
Property Name : Waterboo Lake: Bedrock Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/24/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 16,
Lures Used : Small Chartreuse Spinners

Had a good evening on Waterboo.  Nice breaking away to quarantine on a bass lake.  I had lost a kayak paddle last year and this guy found it and saved it for me.  Also lost a nice pair of needle nose and found those hanging on the gate when I left.  Too cool.  Windy, sunny, no cloud cover.  Lake needs to be worked and managed and will someday be a prime location. We caught a few bigger bass in the far corner of the lake where the wind was sheltered by the dam.  Most of the fish were just above the slot limit but we did catch two that were a little meatier.