Pruitt Brother’s Fish the Pecan Capital of the World (See Solid Fish Pics)

Mar 08 2021

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 27257
Property Name : Waco Creek Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/06/2021 All Day - 03/07/2021 AM
Total Fish/Sizes : 25 Fish from 2 1/2 to Over 7 Pounds
Lures Used : Stiko Candy Corn Weedless No Weight & Z Craw Worm Texas Rigged

25 Bass – Waco Creek –  San Saba, Texas (See Pics of Some Great Bass)

A legendary lake that has not been fished since July 2020. Two brothers that could not wait to arrive at this very special remote lake property and rip some lips on some jolly green (LMB) giants. It all sounds too good to be true. Two (only 2) 2021 February trips for us thus far that have produced over 309 fish. With that being said our expectations were through the roof. What would – could - should this trip produce. We arrived at the on site lodging late Friday afternoon and spent this evening getting settled in and getting leaders - baits tied on in prep for the big day hopefully to come. Hard to rest when setting the hook keeps running through your mind.

We have fished this PWF property each and every year since joining the club and we have always done extremely well. Quantity and Quality! However, this trip would not produce the numbers we have been accustom to in the past, but it did produce some awesome pre-spawn fish that we were very pleased to catch and release. Air temps were in the low 40’s on Saturday and painful with howling winds off and on throughout the day. It did warm up finally and get pretty comfortable. We ended up on Saturday with 25 fish for the day. Only one fish qualified as a cull less than 14 inches to be removed. All of the other 24 were good solid fish and were released back into the lake (see pics of a few of the fish). Our largest fish was easily over 7 pounds and measured 22 plus inches in length.

Bad news is the lake is down considerably as a result of drought. Good news is what’s left of the lake which is plenty of water and 100% fishable (see pic of the lake boat on the waters’ edge). We spoke to the ranch owner Friday evening who was very nice and informative about the ranch and lake. We were very fortunate to learn some of the details about the property and I can tell you that this lake has a neat story. We were very grateful in our conversation with him for making his property available to PWF and its’ members. This lake property may be remote, but it is one special piece of heaven on earth.

We fished from daylight to dark on Saturday. A very, very long day. We ate a quick sandwich about noon in the boat which took only a few minutes. Back at it. Cast after cast after cast. The water temp hovered around 58 degrees all day long. These water temps most likely limited fish activity and the total number of fish caught. The biggest fish was caught (in 16 foot of water off of the bottom) on a Texas Rigged Z Craw Pearl Worm Garlic Dipped (see pic). Half of our fish were caught on a Stiko Candy Corn (we call it the Cheeto) Weightless. I threw a top water, a crank bait, and many other baits often just to change things up hoping for great results. No results on any of these baits.

The shallows creeped up to a whopping 60 degrees. Most of the shallow areas measure 2 to 5 feet in depth and the deepest areas of the lake range from 10 to 16 feet in depth which is quite a large area. The fish are definitely in a pre-spawn state with no beds visible. The female fish are in waiting for warmer conditions to bed and lay eggs. Any nice weather within the next few days could trigger and begin the spawn on this lake. 

We were scheduled to fish Sunday morning as well with temps in the mid 30’s but the boat batteries had nothing left in them after fighting the winds on Saturday and from the constant trolling looking for fish. We did give it a try, but it was unfruitful with no battery go juice. We would have to say we were probably a week or two early and when the water temp creeps ups someone is going to enjoy the good fortune of what this lake has to offer. Easily much higher fish numbers and the potential of a double digit giant lends itself to this magical property. This lake is always a grind, but the rewards are nothing less than spectacular. We can’t wait to view the upcoming post and see the results that we know this lake will produce. All in all, at the end of the day we are pleased with our results. We feel that the club record is most likely living in this lake and we will keep coming back year after year until we are fortunate to find it.

Tight lines to all……………

The Pruitt Brothers

Mar 08 2021

Scott Quigley


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Some beautiful fish, fat and healthy!  hard to keep up with the pace you’ve established on your other trips this year, but sure you are right, another week or two and that lake will go off as well.  Thanks as always for a very detailed report and awesome pics.