Lunar Landing at Backside of the Moon

Mar 27 2021

Shane A. Beck


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This lake is so secluded and actually pretty difficult to get in and out of. The warnings about needing a truck are serious. This was my 4th trip here and there has been a little washout on the main road since my first trip. There are a few places I bottom out on my running boards now where I previously did not. As the page says, go slow and take your time. 

The water is muddy, much like chocolate milk. The fish dont seem to mind! The water temp was 59 and the winds were mostly light. Spent most of the day with red/blk color combos in soft plastics, cranks and chatterbaits. Im happy to report we caught 26 fish, the smallest was 2 lbs and the biggest came in at 6. The flats in the back end of the lake near the owners house was the ticket for us.

I hope this property is blessed with some rainfall soon, but still worth my time and effort. Thanks to PWF staff and the owner for making this lake available to us!