Do yourself a favor and take a drive to Cody Ranch!!! It isn’t as far as you think and you will love property.,

May 07 2021

Chris Violette


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The wife and I decided to take a little road trip to Oklahoma and fish Cody Ranch- Lower Hart.  We had a great afternoon of fishing.  This was her first trip to a PWF property and her first trip on our Hobie kayak.  We started our afternoon off with a casting lesson on how to throw a bait caster.  On her third cast, she brought in a 2.3 pounder.  We caught 3-4 from the launch area. She was throwing a flashy spinner and I was throwing a whooper plopper.  We launched the kayak and fished the trees on the southern point.  She kept getting caught up and I think we scared all the fish away trying to save her lures.  We then proceeded to the west side of the lake. This was the most productive area for us this trip.  We pulled in 8 2-pounders. We were mailing fishing flukes, chatterbaits and flashy spinners. Most of them were all up near the shoreline or a little off shore.  The lillypads are starting to form and provide shelter & shade too.  We ended the day drifting the dam and caught another 4.  The smallest that we caught was 14.5" and the largest we caught was just over 17”. These fish were very healthy and provided a good fight each time.

Do yourself a favor and take a drive to Cody Ranch. Oklahoma seems like a long ways to go, but it is only a two hour drive from the northern part of Dallas.  Mr. Cody is a great host and he has done an amazing job stocking and taking care of his lakes.  His lakes has size in them and you can, also, catch numbers. I can’t wait to go back again!!

May 07 2021

Steve Alexander


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Thanks Chris. We agree. It seems like folks from Dallas don't mind driving 2 hours east; but driving 2 hours North into OKLAHOMA is different. Not sure why. But our Oklahoma members love Cody Ranch. Boswell OK is another under utilized property. 

May 08 2021

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Steve Alexander

Thanks Chris. We agree. It seems like folks from Dallas don't mind driving 2 hours east; but driving 2 hours North into OKLAHOMA is different. Not sure why. But our Oklahoma members love Cody Ranch. Boswell OK is another under utilized property. 

Houston area members also love Cody Ranch (7 hours).