Jim Campbell

Apr 02 2022

Jim Campbell


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Reservation Number : 31928
Property Name : Gallant Elm Creek Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/01/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 16 culls
Lures Used : white spinner, ned rigged watermelon worm, pink swim bait, green & orange stick bait

The winds have been brutal in February and March and yesterday was no different.  15-20mph winds with gusts to 30.  We didn’t even try the boat and instead bank fished from 1:00pm – 5:00pm.  There are lots of fish but all we could catch were in the 12-14” and under range.  The fish were caught on a variety of lures including a swim bait, stick bait, ned rigged watermelon worm and white spinner.  In addition to the 16 caught I failed to land another 5.  We never accessed deep water and all fish were caught in 5-10 foot depths.  The lake is very low and lots of structure is high and dry.  Lots of weed beds.  All in all a good day.  I’m so ready for the wind to calm down in the Hill Country.