Apr 03 2022

brian martin


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Reservation Number : 31827
Property Name : Kickapoo Lake
Reservation Date : 04/02/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : total 24 1- 7lbs 2 - 5lbs 4 -3.5lbs 17 - 2lbs-3lbs
Lures Used : 5" Stick Senko Black Blue . swim jig black and purple

Well this is my first PWF pond , and my first report . So we started at 7am and fished til 830 and had no bites , i used spinner baits , chatter baits , soft plastics , differant colors ,I pay the electric bill at bass pro shop ,  and was getting worried , my wife said she wanted one black and blue and shinny , so i tied a senko on texas rig and 2 min later she hooked a 3.5 lb that was huge . so of coarse i had to try it and it was on the rest of the day , I did try a few differant things , like a black and purple swim jig that I threw it in the middle and hooked a 7lb hog , we got so many bites and caught so many fish my arm is sore today , Those fish fight like they are 10lbs , my wife lost one right at the boat that I think would have been a new lake record. The only 2 fish that were maybe under 14in got off right at the boat. all and all it was a great day fishing , We used the boat on site that was great no leaks . We fished all day except to go eat for a few hours .and we caught fish all over this pond . I can only hope the rest of the ponds are this good. Thanks PWF

Apr 03 2022

Joshua Massoud


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Welcome to the club!  

One of my lowkey favorite ponds.  

Apr 04 2022

Steve Alexander


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What a day. Congratutions. 

I love to read this for many reasons.

  • So, glad you posted a report. Your first report!!
  • Ya’ll had that kind of trip with that many great fish
  • PWF, through our members of agressive harvest of small bass, have not turned which use to be a “numbers lake” to a lake with lots of solid fish in the 3-4 range with quite a few big ones!