My Son's Personal Best

May 22 2022

John Daniels


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Reservation Number : 32482
Property Name : Nix Ranch: Lake TCU
Reservation Date : 05/21/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 34 bass, 3 red eye and 2 blue gill - largest just under 4 lbs.
Lures Used : Wacky Rig and a Grass Jig

My 14 year old son’s second trip bass fishing.  I started the day at first light throwing a topwater frog. I tied him a wacky rig because I thought the exposed hook would help him with not having to set the hook so hard.  The north wind was variable, at times hard to control the boat and at times calm.  78 degree water.  Jake caught a 3 pound bass (scale was baouncing between 2.8 and 3.1) which would be his personal best as well as a couple in the 2 pound range.  I caught a bass that was almost 4 lbs near one of the islands.  We didnt catch hardly anything by the north end which surprised me.We worked the shallow south end catching 23 bass, 2 red eye and a blue gill before we left for home about 10 AM.    We relocated the eleven culls to our neighborhood pond.

Returned at 4:00 PM and the wind had switched directions.  Weather man said 18 mph.  Felt much worse.  Temperature had dropped maybe 10 degrees.  Tried to fish the north bank but could not hold the boat steady.  Re-tied some heavier weighted hooks and then decided to trailer the boat and bank fish.  I gave my son my duck hunting jacket I keep in my truck and I put on a rain coat to break the wind some.  I was doing well catching them on a green jig near the rocks and bricks on the north bank but when I saw that his teeth were chattering I called it quits. 

Lake Cordo is next.
