Boiling at the Bluebonnet!

Aug 03 2022

Alex Elrod


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Reservation Number : 33380
Property Name : Bluebonnet Ridge
Reservation Date : 07/31/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 8+
Lures Used : Deps Scat and Swimbaits

One of my favorite local spots in PWF since I live so close to the property. I’ve had a good amount of luck here and the more I return the more I figure out where they’re hiding. That said, the water is lower than I have ever seen the place – shockingly low. I would say that 30%(?) of the lake is not accessible – the beautiful “fingers” and most of shallow areas by the “islands” away from the launch no longer have water. Because of this the fish are all hugging the grass lines so I focused on throwing deep and parallel to the grass lines and it paid off. I love the challenge of watching the grass lines and trying to draw the fish out with weed/snagless presentations.

Biggest of the day was caught on a Deps Scat (love this goofy bait!) and she was just at 6 pounds – picture attached. She fought so hard that I thought surely she was much bigger than 6. I snapped a quick photo and she raced back deep. I tried throwing crankbaits (too much grass), swim baits (too big, maybe?), and chatter baits (too noisy??) and really the best thing was the Deps Scat – you can dead stick, dead walk, twitch, burn through the water column and every fish loves it as it looks like a fat worm or a balled up crawfish.

Once the sun started going down I moved to the small pond at the top of the hill and first cast with the Deps Scat I caught a 5 pounder. I’ve never actually caught anything in that small pond with the dock but now I’m wondering if I need to focus more on that pond!

One thing that really threw me off were the spotted gar that were thrashing around at the surface of the lake. I wasn’t expecting that and had never seen them before. I was slow rolling a bluegill skirt chatter bait and it came right up to the edge of the boat before whipping around and diving away – not sure if it was actually chasing my lure or just curious.

As always this property is such a blast and hope its in PWF for years to come because these fish keep getting bigger, fight hard, and it’s so easy to access this property! Cheers PWF!

Aug 03 2022

Mark Daugherty


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What a PHATTY – that’s a chunky 20’’ bass! Thanks for sharing the pic Alex.