Father - Son Trip to the Ridge!

Aug 17 2022

Alex Elrod


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Reservation Number : 33498
Property Name : Bluebonnet Ridge
Reservation Date : 08/14/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 13 total all very fat and hard fighters!
Lures Used : Small paddletails and spinner baits were KEY

My first trip as a PWF with my dad. We always grew up fishing but this was my first change to take my dad out fishing and show him what PWF was all about. He was really impressed, even though Bluebonnet is lower than I’ve ever seen it. I was just here a few weeks prior and the grass is choking up and the water is lower than before. That said, there’s still a ton of fishing opportunities if you settle in and put a plan together.

I’ve dropped a screenshot with markings for clarification. Basically everything inside the red outline is the only remaining fishable area. Everything else is so shallow that it’s chocked full of really thick grass or just void of water and down to the mud. The grass isn’t for the faint of heart but it’s so fun to see how the fish use the weedline and grass patches to hide and ambush prey/lures.

We worked clockwise in the PWF boat – which is in great condition and the wind wasn’t a problem so we just floated around and anchored when we wanted to stay stationary to fish a spot. We had minimal success with everything except 3-4” paddletails and a small reflective bluegill jointed swimbait. All of the fish were SO fat. You can tell they’re enjoying all the crawfish that are everything. My dad caught the biggest on the jointed little swimbait and it was approximately 3 pounds or so.

After we made a good solid lap we hopped out to fish the smaller lake at the top of the hill – it’s also really low but still plenty of area to bank fish. We jumped on some great bites for the last hour before the sun started to go down. Paddle tails and spinnerbaits worked well for us. I got hammered by a big bass here that lept out of the water and threw my bait – big demoralizing moment for sure – easily the biggest of the day. Also, it was a first for me but I thought I caught at least a 5-6 pounder but when I landed the fish it turned out to be a striped bass or maybe a hybrid? Never caught one before but it fought really hard! Pretty fun catch to make!

As we drove next to the Tear Drop turn we noticed that bottom tear drop near the dam is all but dry, saw a LOT of dead fish floating around – one was giant – our guess was either a carp or maybe catfish. We also saw the big excavator out there and it looked like the beginning to make the tear drop(s) bigger?? Cool sight to see!

As always, it’s an absolute blast to fish this property (and all PWF locations!) but as we know we all can’t wait for a good rains to build up some levels and bring some more life to these waters!

Cheers folks

Aug 17 2022

Steve Alexander


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Thanks for the great report. Very informative. We were not aware of the excavator. We will call today to learn more. However, my guess is that the lowest tear drop lake is the only one being rennovated as it was really shallow to begin with. When full it was only 5 -6 feet deep with an average depth of just 3 feet. So, it always had a weed problem. The large fish was likely a grass carp. We stock Grass carp in all the lakes 3 years ago. I think we stocked 10 in that bottom lake. 

