Escondido- less weeds/vegetation and new rock piles

Oct 29 2022

William Fetech


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Reservation Number : 34203
Property Name : Lago Escondido
Reservation Date : 10/27/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 17 up to 5 pounds
Lures Used : Square billed crank, senko, paddle tail

I fished Escondido on October 28 from 8 AM until around 3:30 PM. 

First, since the last time I fished this location, the weeds/vegetation are basically gone and the entire property is fishable.   

In addition, it appears the property owner has placed some concrete rubble/stones piles (see photos). 

Although the fishing pier is completely out of the water, the dam area and launch area might be a foot low.  It was easy to launch and load my kayak. 

Now for the report. 

On my fourth cast using a hula popper, I landed a five pounder. 

I caught a total of 17, lost 3-4. 

I returned  8 

the 5 pounder 

2 between 4-5 pounds 

4 between 3-4 pounds

1 around 2 1/2 pounds

Culled 9

Besides the popper, was successful with 

brown/orange square bill crank

Unweighted paddle tail green fleck and light green

Weighted purple senko with a spinner tail 

Lilly pads  are also still growing on the side opposite from the dam. 

Bill Fetech