New Fishermen finish out 2022 at Hickory Creek Ranch

Jan 01 2023

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 34623
Property Name : Hickory Creek Ranch Lakes
Reservation Date : 12/31/2022 PM - 12/31/2022 PM
Total Fish/Sizes : Good Numbers
Lures Used : Various

I had a bunch of family in for the New Years weekend at our ranch near Crockett.   Most of them have rarely if ever fished.  Some of the group wanted to go fishing.  We spent a fantastic afternoon on the last day of the year fishing at this beatiful fishing lake.   I knew that if there was anywhere that I could some take some inexperienced fishermenafter a big front to catch fish, this was the place.

We were not disapointed.  Everyone caught fish, even those that had never picked up a rod before.  3 caught PB fish!  We had a great time enjoying a beatiful day on a beautiful lake.   What a great way to end the year.

Thanks Wade for letting us enjoy your beatiful ranch!  Thanks Cole for hellping me through my reservation connection issues!