Scattered Bass at KBar 2-27-23

Feb 28 2023

Bob Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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Due to the forcast for low wind I decided at the last mintue to book KBar to try my kayak. Wind was way stronger than predicted in the morning so I fished TD and GP from the bank. Bagged the biggest of the day at TD 19.5” (4lb) and an nice 18” at GP.

The wind started to die around 1pm so I launched my kayak on Lake Raymond and headed to the shallow north end to try to find some spawning bass. Ended up with several in the 17 – 18” range plus some large crappie.

The bass were pretty much scattered in all three lakes and the bite typically happened in between 10ft and the shoreline (submerged trees/brush & fence lines and open water). In all I had 33 takers (pretty much 10 or so in each tank) plus a couple of nice crappie (the latter in LR).

All of the bass were caught on chase baits (lipless, sq bill, med diving crank, slow rolling spinnerbait, and chatterbait). Tried wacky and trig senkos and trig craws with no bites. Caught one on a buzzbait just befor sunset

Water temps ranged from 69 to 73f, water clarity up to 5ft in GP and less in LR and TD. Filamentous green algae starting to bloom in GP. All the tanks are full from the recent rains.

Got a chance to meet the ranch owner (Mr. Ernie) around noon and thanked him for allowing us to fish this wonderful selection of lakes. As always I ran into Raymond several times while he was tending to the property. He has cleared a lot of the minor shorline brush around all of the tanks which makes fishing from the bank an option. Always good to see and chat about fishing with him!

Oh yes, Killen’s Burgers in Pearland nailed it again.
