Jones Lake Ned Rig Bonanza

Apr 09 2023

Al Burns


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Reservation Number : 35868
Property Name : Jones Lake
Reservation Date : 04/08/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 74 2 bass between 4&5 lbs, 2 bass between 3&4 lbs. remaining 70 bass between 13-17 inches
Lures Used : Ned Rigs

Turned out to be a fantastic day at Jones Lake. The forecast had been for cloud cover and a 7-9 mph wind. The day turned out to be one of those days where there was’nt any cloud cover and no wind with glass like conditions on the lake. With our Polaroids we could easily see the bottom on great detail at 7-8 feet deep. We resorted to long casts and using Junebug colored Ned Rigs. The bass responded on a big way as we caught 74 up to 4 lbs with the majority being 15-17 inches in length. We culled 18 and culled 15 Crappie. It was a great day. An absolute blast. The East Texas tea stained water produced some beautiful hard fighting bass for their size. It was our first time to Jones Lake. With a little breeze and some cloud cover we might have caught even more. What a fantastic day it was!