An Afternoon at Old Oaks 5-5-23

May 06 2023

Bob Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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Got clearence from the boss to squeeze in a quick last miute trip to Old Oaks. Arrived at noon and found the 6 acre tank full to the brim from recent rains but almost completely engulfed in submerged weeds at or near the surface (see pic). The submerged weeds were at the surface north and around the island and perhaps 1-2ft below the surface south of the island.

Inspite of the apparent weed cover I launched my kayak and hoped to find open water by the dam.

What I can report is that weed growth pretty much covers all but an acre of this tank with open water occuring where the tank is 12-15ft deep. Water temp 84-85F.

Caught 19 healthy small bass between 10-13”. I caught a few on a med diving crankait in the “open water”. The rest were caught by throwing a weedless Zoom Ultra Vibe Speed Worm or small Johnson spoon with a trailer on light spining tackle and pulled through the foot or so of water over the submerged grass. All of the action was between the dam and the island.

Unfortunately I didn’t have any heavy set ups with me in my arsenal. Pitching or frogs might have been the ticket, but was caught offguard, as I have never in previous trips seen any substantial weeds at this tank!